News, Expert interviews, and Insights on the Film Industry

Looking for the latest news, expert interviews, and insights on the film industry?

Check out RitzlFilm, edited by Wolfgang Ritzberger. Our news section covers cutting-edge technology, equipment, industry events, and announcements to keep you ahead of the curve. We also specialize in the Korean entertainment industry, covering K-pop, K-drama, and Korean movies. Whether you're in Vienna, Austria or beyond, RitzlFilm can keep you informed on the latest developments in film production services. Contact us today to learn more

MEDIA BIZ is a trade magazine for media, culture & technology and considers itself a platform for the audiovisual media and event industry. In addition to current and general information and reports from the fields of audio/video/broadcasting, film/IT/media, MEDIA BIZ also contains specialist and socially critical articles and impulses. Since the Shut Down it has been published virtually every week. From autumn it will be published regularly again.


Exploring South Korean Films and K-Drama - A Global Dive into South Korean Films and K-Dramas

In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the global impact of K-Dramas and their instrumental role in promoting Korean culture, or Hallyu.…

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 South Korea   Films 

From Franziska Donner-Rhee to 'The Sound of Music': Austria-South Korea Bond"

The enduring connection between Austria and South Korea, interwoven through the captivating story of Franziska Donner-Rhee and the timeless appeal of…

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 South Korea   Production Service   Films 

Miky Lee:

The Multicultural Businesswoman Who Helped Bring Korean Cinema and Music to the World Stage

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A tiny selection of 20 K-Dramas you don't want to miss

Are you a fan of Kdramas? Or maybe you're new to the world of Korean dramas and looking for recommendations? In any case, we have put together a small…

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Bong Joon-ho's Impact on Korean Storytelling: A Shift Towards Universal Themes

Bong Joon-ho, the award-winning director and screenwriter, has revolutionized Korean cinema by shifting the focus from genre-based to story-driven…

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The Ultimate Guide to Austria's New Incentive Refund Model for International Film Productions:

Lights, Camera, Action: The Ultimate Guide to Filming in Austria with the New Incentive Refund Model. Discover how international film productions can…

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K-Pop and BTS: The Unstoppable Ascendancy of a Global Sensation

South Korean pop music, better known as K-Pop, has emerged as a global powerhouse, magnetizing audiences worldwide. High-profile groups like BTS have…

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Maximizing Your International Production Company's Success with the Certified Austrian Film Producer (CAFP) Certification

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 Production Service 

Green Filming: Reducing CO2 Impact in the Film Industry

Learn how to produce films sustainably with these tips for reducing carbon emissions and minimizing your environmental impact.

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"A passion for good stories!"

That is the motto of neo-publisher, film producer and author Wolfgang Ritzberger, whose newly founded VERLAG RITZBERGER is launching with a…

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1 tonne of opinion versus 1 gramme of knowledge, which weighs heavier?

The contribution of the esteemed colleague Christian Dohr could be summarised roughly as follows: 1 tonne of opinion versus 1 gramme of knowledge,…

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The long night of the boring Oscars

Disoriented, pleasing to all sides and endlessly boring, that's how I experienced the Oscars 2022, only Will Smith brought momentum into the place.

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The "Gartenbaukino"

The extensive renovations of the Gartenbau cinema, which is operated by the Viennale through its own company, took place until October 2021 under the…

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 Filme   Films 

Casanova Variations

On the occasion of the 25th, now 27th anniversary of the production company Amour Fou, the Filmarchiv Austria is showing selected films from their…

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 Filme   Blog   Portrait   Films 

I know where to cut

Laudatio for Ingrid Koller

Delivered by Wolfgang Ritzberger on October 18, 2021 at the Edimotion Festival in Cologne on the occasion of the awarding…

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 Filme   Films 

We are the same to you

A review of the pandemic after it was declared virtually over, despite rising numbers.


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 Filme   Films 

Economization of Culture

or: Thoughts on the topic of film funding


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 Filme   Films 

Very Nice

Fourteen years ago, when Sacha Baron Cohen first put on the Borat swimsuit, the mankini, and surprised the film world with investigative research by a…

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 Filme   Films 


…is the name of the self- made documentary from the swedish regisseur Nathan Grossmann about the clima icon Greta Thunberg. Those who want to know…

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 Filme   Blog   Portrait   Films 

A small guide for production services Austria

You want to shoot in Austria because either the story takes place in Austria or because you want to take advantage of the landscape, the ambience or…

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Beyond audience’s interests

Given the tight budgets that have been the same for almost 10 years, Austrian filmmaking is in a serious crisis - even if some people try to persuade…

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 Blog   News 

The last days of mankind

Wolfgang Ritzberger's documentary lets us dive into the world of the First World War together with the theatre magician Paulus Manker in his…

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 News   Films 

Party Crasher

The fact that on-demand platforms are currently investing a lot of money may be well known - at the AAFP - Producer's Day at the end of November 2019…

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 Blog   News 

And the movie award goes to...

The Academy of Austrian Film, the counterpart of the Academy of Motion Art in the USA, is often only associated in public perception with the Austrian…

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 Events   Awards 

It's not about me

You can't buy courage; you can't buy happiness. An actor who wants to position himself internationally needs both. Lucas Englander, not yet 30 years…

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 Blog   Interview 

The Piano Player

At French railway stations, you could easily bump into a grand piano that invites passers-by to play or listen. Wolfgang Ritzberger explains how this…

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 News   Films 

Big Badaboom

With these words the actress of "Leeloo" in the movie "The 5th Element", Milla Jovovic, describes the great explosion to which she fell victim as the…

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 Blog   News 

Where lies become truth

What an Austrian politician wanted to be understood as satire was not that well received by journalists and also by the two DoPs and members of the…

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 News   Films 

My nose is enormous!

In the beginning of April, "Edmond", the movie based on the successful play of the same name by Alexis Michalik, with which he had his debut as a film…

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 Blog   Interview 

And the nut goes to...

It’s well known that the main prizes at the Diagonale are awarded with a golden nut - and there were a few surprises among the winners of the…

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 Events   Awards 

The other Monday...

...they invited us to two premieres. At the Gartenbaukino one of several screenings of the first episode of the eighth season of "Game of Thrones"…

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 Events   Premiere 

Connecting route

By definition, a diagonal connects two points that are far away from each other. The festival of Austrian film connects filmmakers who are - if you…

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 Events   Awards 

The posting

Walter Gröbchen, music expert, label founder and owner, former Ö3 journalist and certainly one of the "insiders" in copyright matters, caused a lively…

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 Blog   News 

Small steps

At the presentation of the Austrian Film Prize at the end of January in the Vienna City Hall, the Mayor of Vienna, Michael Ludwig, surprised the…

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 Blog   Interview 

Put in the right light

Until March 7th, the now 16th Women's Film Festival in the Stadtkino at the Künstlerhaus Wien will offer a special programme dedicated to Margarethe…

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 Blog   Interview 


Wolfgang Ritzberger, producer of "The Best of All Worlds", reports on Ingrid Koller's contribution to the success of the film.

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 Blog   Portrait 

Digital lumpenproletariat

For Kurt Brazda, director and former president of the aac, the future prospects for quite a few filmmakers don’t seem to be very bright. He explained…

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 Blog   News 

Avoid amateurs!

Save money with tips from a professional - your advertising video for your company: what you should pay attention to - and what you should avoid.

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 Blog   Workshop 

The silent heroes

The silent heroes of television work, that's how you could call the TV directors who are often wrongly underestimated, but are particularly important…

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 Blog   Portrait 

“I’m grateful I’ve made it this far”

Interview with Wolfgang Ritzberger - Producer of "The best of all worlds"

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 Blog   Interview