The Austrian film industry has adapted its funding guidelines to encourage sustainable productions based on the Ecolabel UZ 76. This article explores the benefits of green filming in Austria, including the subsidies available for recognized GreenFilming projects. It also explains the role of Green Filming Consultants, the certification process, and the mandatory and optional conditions for recognition as a GreenFilming project.

Subsidies for Green Filming Projects

Since the beginning of 2021, the Austrian Film Institute (ÖFI), FISA (Filmstandort Austria), BMKÖS (Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport), and Film Fund Vienna (FFW) have adapted their funding guidelines to recognize additional costs for sustainable productions based on the criteria of the Ecolabel UZ 76. The aim is to increase the number of sustainable productions in Austria steadily.

From 2023, an additional 5% will be added to the repayment (repaid) for a recognized GreenFilming project. This means that up to 35% can be achieved with ÖFI+ or more than 55% with FISA+.

A Green Filming Consultant is a trained professional who provides advice and guidance to film productions to help them adopt sustainable practices and reduce their environmental impact. In Austria, two certificates are currently awarded for Green Filming Consultants: one according to ÖNORM EN ISO/IEC17024 at the WIFI and the certificate of the LAFC (the Lower Austrian Film Commission which operates under the label "Evergreen Prisma").

Green Filming Consultants are involved in all stages of a film production, from pre-production to post-production. They advise all trades, work out environmentally friendly alternatives with the producer and other parties involved, and point out other possibilities. They also audit the production itself and prepare the GreenFilming report that must be submitted to the funding institutions.

The role of a Green Filming Consultant is crucial in achieving recognition as a GreenFilming project, as their report is decisive for the awarding of subsidies triggered by it. The report contains a comparison of the planned measures and those actually implemented, and the Green Filming Consultant ensures that the project meets the mandatory and optional conditions for recognition as a GreenFilming project.

Green Filming Consultants must keep up to date with the latest developments and technologies in sustainable film production, and must be able to communicate effectively with all stakeholders involved in a film production. They must have a good understanding of the environmental impact of various film production activities, as well as the regulations and guidelines governing sustainable film production.

Overall, a Green Filming Consultant is an essential part of any sustainable film production project. Their expertise and guidance can help reduce the environmental impact of a film production, while also helping the production to achieve recognition as a GreenFilming project and receive subsidies from funding institutions.

To be recognized as a GreenFilming project, a number of mandatory and several optional conditions must be met. The GreenFilming report, which must be written by a certified GreenFilming Consultant, is decisive for the recognition as a GreenFilming project and the awarding of the subsidies triggered by it. In the calculation templates, separate budget items are provided for the GreenFilming Consultant, which are also recognized as eligible for funding.

Several productions in Austria have successfully achieved recognition as GreenFilming projects. One such example is "The Forgiven," which used sustainable practices such as reducing single-use plastics, implementing a waste management system that separated waste materials, and using renewable energy sources.

Other countries have also embraced sustainable film production practices.The importance of sustainable film production has gained momentum in recent years. Many film productions have embraced sustainable practices to reduce their environmental impact. Here are a few examples of sustainable film productions in Europe:

"Jurassic World: Dominion"
The upcoming 2022 American film used sustainable practices such as using electric cars and hydrogen fuel-cell generators to power the set. It also implemented a waste reduction program that diverted over 12 tons of waste from landfills.

"The Guilty"
This Danish film production used sustainable practices such as using renewable energy sources, minimizing the use of plastic bottles, and implementing a waste management system that separated waste materials.

"Little Women"
The 2019 American film adaptation of "Little Women" was filmed in Massachusetts and used sustainable practices such as using LED lights and using a biodiesel generator to power the set.

"The Revenant"
The 2015 American film was filmed in remote locations and used sustainable practices such as using hybrid vehicles, using reusable water bottles, and composting organic waste.

"The White Crow"
This British film production used sustainable practices such as using electric cars and bicycles to transport the cast and crew and using solar-powered generators to power the set.

The 2019 British television series used sustainable practices such as using energy-efficient LED lighting and composting food waste.

"Dark Waters"
The 2019 American film used sustainable practices such as using LED lights and implementing a waste management program that recycled over 70% of the set waste.

The Netflix television series used sustainable practices such as using LED lights, hybrid vehicles, and composting organic waste.

"The Walking Dead"
The popular television series used sustainable practices such as using energy-efficient LED lighting and composting food waste.

"Avengers: Endgame"
The 2019 American film used sustainable practices such as using LED lights and implementing a waste management program that recycled over 10 tons of plastic and cardboard.

These are just a few examples of sustainable film productions that have successfully implemented eco-friendly practices. As the demand for sustainable film production continues to grow, more and more film productions are adopting sustainable practices to reduce their environmental impact.

Sustainable film production is an important topic that requires attention from the film industry. The film industry has a significant impact on the environment, and implementing sustainable practices can reduce this impact. By working with GreenFilming Consultants, film productions can develop and implement sustainable practices that can benefit the environment and reduce costs. With the support of funding institutions such as the Austrian Film Institute and FISA, sustainable film production can become the norm rather than the exception. By adopting sustainable practices, the film industry can lead the way towards a greener future.