About Wolfgang Ritzberger
Meet Wolfgang Ritzberger, the renowned Austrian film director and producer. Born on February 17, 1961, in Vienna, Wolfgang began his journey in the film industry as an extra during his high school years. After receiving extensive training in acting and vocal performance, he transitioned to work as a micro-assistant and camera assistant for various TV programs, including "Ohne Maulkorb," TV spots, and international feature films.
While in high school, Wolfgang also worked for the radio, starting at a student editorial office before moving on to work at Ö3 and school radio until he landed a current service position. He played a crucial role in the introduction of local television at the Landesstudio Niederösterreich before becoming one of the two editors of the program ZIB 2. Wolfgang left the ORF for film in the mid-1990s and founded his production company in 2000, which has been operational since then.
With his feature film "The Best of All Worlds," Wolfgang became one of the most successful Austrian filmmakers in recent years, winning over 100 awards worldwide. He was also the only producer in the early 2010s who took a chance on a young Salzburg director, boxing his project everywhere.
Although his studies in economics remain incomplete, Wolfgang completed his studies in film science with a thesis on the economic effects of film funding. He is also an official MSVÖ examiner for inland and deep sea licenses, and he enjoys sailing in his free time. Wolfgang is happily married and has two grown-up daughters and one son. He resides and works in Vienna.
Apart from his film career, Wolfgang has a rich history in sports. He was a successful athlete in sabre fencing, winning the Wiener Säbel-Pokal in 1992 and representing Austria at the Fencing World Championship in Essen in 1993. Additionally, Wolfgang was a press spokesman for the ÖVP-Bundespartei in the 1990s and led the successful election campaign for Ursula Stenzel during the European Parliament election in 1996 in Austria.
Wolfgang is not only an accomplished film director and producer but also a well-rounded individual with diverse experiences in various fields. His achievements and contributions in the film industry have left an indelible mark, and he continues to inspire and impact the industry positively.